
Has anybody seen the council spraying the drains and the urb to curb mozzies and cockroaches this year. I do hope they are going to do so and are not thinking they will save money by not bothering otherwise we will all be plagued by the creatures shortly.

I have had a couple of the perishers already.
Had to explain to them,no rent no life

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-06-10 07:51:46 UTC

A quick remedy is to wrap an ice cube in a cloth and place on the bite. It takes the heat and itchiness away.

Commented Carol G in La Marina 2012-06-10 08:31:47 UTC

I have not seen them spraying to eliminate the mosquito lavas in the valley del bosque as they did in previous years. We may have a plague soon.

Commented Don in La Marina 2012-06-10 08:39:09 UTC

I have seen them doing the drains a couple of weeks ago but have not seen anything spraying overhead for the mozzies

Commented gail.holdcroft in La Marina 2012-06-10 09:49:01 UTC

Try using S3 to repel mossies. You find it in the baby section at consum. It cost €3.05 for a big bottle. Put it into a spray bottle and spray yourself frequently. They dont like it much. Its safe to use on kids as well. My other half swears by it. Fortunatly for me the mossies dont like me anyway so i dont have to bother.

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2012-06-10 10:17:46 UTC

How can anybody or anything not like you?

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-06-10 11:35:36 UTC

Ahh Bless you Alan, thats the nicest thing anyone has said on this forum for a loooooong time!!

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2012-06-10 11:40:33 UTC

negotiator, I wondered this also. My husband said he saw 2 cockroaches last night. I know they can't hurt me but they absolutely terrify me. We're on Oasis, have any other areas been sprayed?

Commented mazza in La Marina 2012-06-10 16:16:59 UTC

I have not seen any spraying either. Surely they can use some of our money to keep the pest away.

Commented SMUDGE in La Marina 2012-06-10 16:18:46 UTC

Thanks Nikki I do use S3 and find it is quite good. The thing is that living in the forgotten island of Oasis.I think that if they have sprayed they have once again not bothered to do so down this neck of the woods. Hope I'm wrong but we are very neglected down this way with the Council.

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2012-06-10 19:35:20 UTC

We said Negotiator. They have forgotten we exist in El osias, our roads are a disgrace as well.

Commented SMUDGE in La Marina 2012-06-10 20:53:30 UTC

totally agree! it's outrageous! who wants cockroaches on the urb???????? not me!

Commented kellsbells in La Marina 2012-06-10 21:28:06 UTC

All of a sudden I am covered in mossy bites - not little ones - huge red unsightly things. I've got about 10 altogether on the top of my left arm, plus other places. I've used after bite cream but they just seem to be getting bigger and redder. I've just started covering myself in Fa Frescor Agua de Colonia lemon, and I've decided today to start Vitamin B1 tablets (which have helped in the past). I actually haven't seen any of these bloody things in the villa but they must be as I'm getting bitten overnight.

Does anybody know if there is a plug in machine that works that catches these horrid creatures. We've had some before and they haven't done a darn thing. HELP - before I'm bitten to death !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-06-11 07:44:44 UTC

Apparently toothpaste is also good dabbed onto the bite.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2012-06-11 08:00:46 UTC

I think some people deserve to be bitten tho hehe

Commented kellsbells in La Marina 2012-06-11 20:09:41 UTC

Carol, if you have reactions to bites take antihystimine. My daughter suffered for years, and every bite turned nasty but since doing this she's a lot better

Commented mazza in La Marina 2012-06-12 09:47:17 UTC

I have heard Listerine mouth wash is very effective. either spray the house or yourself if staying out. Not to bad a smell and a choice of
flavours. I also believe price wise it is very reasonable.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-06-15 08:01:25 UTC